Zuv' chumm' bramhaan'
Ghar' gachaa

Jul 11, 2006

7/11 Mumbai

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Scores dead in Mumbai train bombs

India yet again under terror attack...

174 already dead in just a mere 12 minutes of attacks... 7 attacks on the lifeline of Mumbai (Bombay). And still counting...as there are hundreds lying injured in various hospitals fighting for their life...

Why these attacks today...? News channels and politicians will continue to debate and find connections and coincidences with the 5 attacks on tourists in Kashmir today...

But our politicians are a confused lot - what else can you make of statements "Terrorists are suspected to be behind this"...

Pakistan President has already done his formality of condemning the attacks... I am curious if he had already issued the statement before the series of blasts began...

God bless India...


Anonymous said...

Laskar-e-Taiba and Jaish need to be nuked...at their homeground in Pakistan

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

``I am curious if he had already issued the statement before the series of blasts began...'' ...and a simultenously issued a congratulatory note `come on buck up boys, well done,'' to Let.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the city is back on its feet again - it shows that terror attacks can't stop us. Only our Government can. By never providing adequate relief efforts, by leaving citizens to do the tasks of uniformed and trained security/ emergency cells. My heart goes out to all the brave people who helped save lives yesterday and did the RPF and Mumbai police's work.