Zuv' chumm' bramhaan'
Ghar' gachaa

Oct 14, 2006

Trith or Truth...

Kashmir Affairs - Security & Conflict Analysis of Kashmir

Yet again... the post ethnic cleansing agenda has come to fore...

History of Kashmir is being rewritten to project all Kashmiri Pandit’s as the villains, the bad boys... and Muslims the good boys. True to the agenda, they have already managed to create an impression that Islam came to Kashmir through peaceful means and the local Hindu's back then voluntarily adopted the new religion... totally obliterating the historic events and wars - and the genocidal conversion charters of the Afghan and Mongol Kings who invaded Kashmir...

Trith (falsehood - in Kashmiri) has overtaken the Truth... And given that the media, academia and power in Kashmir are all controlled by a single group, there is little hope of truth prevailing anymore...

This is the 13th recorded exodus of the Kashmiri Pandit’s...from the valley – each time having faced the quandary of survival quest: a choice between “chaliv, raliv ya galiv” (a Kashmiri slogan used by majority community meaning choose between “exile, conversion or death” (chaliv = leave/flee, raliv = joinus/convert, galiv=perish/die).

But these neo-historians sponsored by the petro-funds of ISI have totally forgotten this recent history, as well as the times of Sikandar Butshikan’s (Idol breaker), Haider Shah’s and Shams-ud-Iraqi’s in Kashmir… These new historians obviously have a vested agenda to deny history written thousands of years ago by Hindu historians – whether it’s Rajtarangani (the most revered and authentic history of Kashmir recorded in 12th century) by Kalhana, or history by Jonaraja – or the those recorded by westerners W.R. Lawrence, Auriel Stein or by Kashmiri’s in last century, like Bamzai etc… But they are also in denial of the facts recorded about travails of Kashmiri Pandit’s – by Muslim historians in past like Abu Fazl.

As Dr. Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister of the Third Reich, is reported to have said: "Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth." That quote and attribution have been repeated well over a thousand times. Needless to say, with the machinery in place in Kashmir to rewrite the history and demonize the Kashmiri Pandit’s…someday there will be a different face to the history of Kashmir.

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